
10 November 2014

Pattern Puzzle - The Cowl Tube Top

It's a mean thing to present the fans with a rectangle as a #PatternPuzzle and expect them to describe the garment.  In my defence I did include a couple of very small notches as a clue.  In the end Mioara was able to produce an almost exact image of the idea in knit fabric. I think we may have been reading the same pattern making books.  ;)

I found this image on pinterest but have had no luck finding the original source material.  If anyone knows the origin of this piece I would love to be able to include the correct information here.


  1. I know, I know! That page is from a Portuguese sewing book, from the series "curso de corte e costura Gil Brandao". There is a link for a download here: , but I don't have any proper reference as it is ancient!

    1. You are amazing! I will be including the link in the post immediately. I really appreciate this information. :)

    2. Thanks so much for your help. Have finally found the exact book and page. I could not have found it without you. :)

  2. The book is actually Brazilian, not Portuguese ;) Thanks to Cat for finding it, many fascinating patterns there!
    (Anita: if you need help reading the text on any of those patterns so you can share it feel free to ask, it's my mother language!)

    1. Thanks Julia. That is a very generous offer. I found many of Gil Brandao's books yesterday and the one this exercise came out of is my favourite. Apologies for my non-existent language skills. :)
