
27 October 2014

Pattern Puzzles - Balenciaga Blouse

The inspiration behind this weeks #PatternPuzzle post is this divinely simple vintage blouse by Balenciaga (circa. 1958-60) found in the MetMuseum online collections.  It has been sitting in my stash of great ideas for #PatternPuzzles for over a year.  :)


  1. From Maga:
    'I love Balengiaga garments and this one is stunning in its apparent simplicity - but there is much more to this than meets the eye. The fabric choice takes it up a level; the way the pattern pieces is cut is very interesting too changing between lengthwise and crosswise cutting. One thing surprises me though; the overlap on the front is left over right - wonder why? Thanks for sharing'

    1. HI Maga, sorry to hear you are having trouble posting comments and thanks for letting me know. I've looked in the back end and everything seems fine???
      You are right about the left over right wrap in the front, it is a little weird. Perhaps it was related to the design of a skirt to go with this top. :)

    2. This "oddity" is probably intentional. I think it is a design element to get a slight asymmetry that contributes to the expressiveness of the garment product...Very nice pattern and absolutely amazing to bring in present the creations of greats designers of world.

    3. Thanks Mioara, for your valuable contribution. Such a clear expression of ideas. :)

  2. Hi Anita - great stuff here...

  3. Always fascinated by the pattern development. Maga is right, Balengiaga's 'apparent simplicity' is amazing.

    1. Agreed, simplicity in design is rarely simplicity in pattern making. Thanks for dropping by Carol. :)
