
13 October 2014

Pattern Puzzle - The Kimono Wrap Dress

We had a fantastic time on Saturday with the #PatternPuzzle.  Jump over to FB and check out the most amazing contributions made by our fans, with drawings no less.  :)

This kimono styled dress was quite a challenge in the pattern making department.  Firstly you have to decide if the wrap over is an authentic two-layer wrap or if you are going to seam the pieces together.  I've gone for the two layer option and included a zip in the CB seam as the only place where the two bodice layers join.


  1. It is a great, complex and interesting design. I like very much and I will make an effort to make a prototype. However I will use a block for jersey dartless kimono dress because, in my opinion, this design had to be adjusted on the body. The dartless kimono block (for common woven fabric) added a higher ease allowance on bust line, which I think is not recommended for this design.
    Or I could use a stretch woven fabric. Anyway, worth trying ...

    1. Hi Mioara. I agree that in the woven block much gape darting is needed to make sure it holds across the body firmly. Perhaps a little more than indicated in this pattern plan. I would work on that issue in the first sample. The jersey version will be wonderful and I would love to see your sample. Thanks for dropping by. :)

  2. Sorry, the comment above is from me. I inadvertently not logged in!

  3. I can feel a workshop coming on!

    1. Me too! I'd love a few free moments to cut this one. Very wearable. :)
