
02 June 2014

Pattern Puzzle - Mioara Cretu Outfit #2

This weeks #PatternPuzzle is a thing of genius from our regular contributor, Mioara Cretu, gifting us the most baffling#PatternPuzzle of all time last Saturday.  Mioara teaches pattern making at a Romanian university and has a weakness for jersey one-piece patterns!

And for all our fans, you have done a wonderful job this weekend finding the answers to such a challenging puzzle.  Congratulations  :)  Now it's time to confess that I stared blankly at this puzzle for days when it first arrived.  The skirt I was able to work out but it was the twist in the top pattern that had me really confused.  

You'll find all the pattern making detail on the website blog.


  1. Both the top and the skirt are lovely. I must try this soon. There is not enough time to try all the drafts, but I learn a lot from your posts.

    1. I agree! So many patterns which translate to a pile of cut work beside my machine. As a teacher I love the fact you are learning from these posts. :)

  2. I never would have guessed such a streamlined shape from those pattern pieces. It's a nice design!

    1. Mioara’s work is so well devised. I always enjoy the puzzles she creates. :)

  3. Hi, I am Eugenia from argentina (from the fb), I think I wil try the top soon... I love it!!

    1. Hi Eugenia. So pleased you are visiting the blog. We would love to see your top when you make it. :)

  4. I just found your website. I'm a very newbie at learning to draft patterns for myself and am in complete and total awe of the pattern puzzles! Must try these!

    1. Hi Pat, thanks for dropping by our blog. Some of the puzzles are good for starting out with pattern drafting. Have you seen the two most recent posts for self-drafted styles? This means you don't need blocks or slopers to start your pattern making journey. Let us know if you have any questions. :)

  5. This is an amazing lesson in pattern making, it tickles the geometry synapses in my brain! I am *so* enjoying you blog and website, thanks.

    1. Thanks so much. :) I have moved the blog to my website: This is where you will find more recent work.
