
20 January 2014

Pattern Puzzle - Cross Drape Tee

Some very quick and clever answers on Saturday had our #PatternPuzzle solved in one hour!  Thanks to Evelyn, Mioara, Cyndi and Delwyn for such great ideas.  And thanks to all our fans for making our Saturday morning so much fun.  The pattern shape below is for the entire top, when cut as 1 pair.  

Delwyn made the most interesting observation - that if we cut two pair of the shape, treating the CB as both CF & CB and allowing the drape extension as side panels, it would be a very interesting tunic with long draped side seams.  So many great ideas, and so little time to get them done!

You'll find all the pattern making instructions on the website blog.



  1. Hi Anita, Thanks for your amazing patterns, they are very inspiring! I wonder if this model can be done in not stretching fabric? e.g. some light silk? Thanks for answering. All the best, Svitlana

    1. Hi Svltlana, thanks for dropping by. Yes I think maybe you could make this in a woven fabric. Success will depend on the block you use to make your pattern. Let me know if you have any questions as you make your pattern. always happy to help. :)

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  3. Did Svitlana ever make hers in a woven fabric? I just saw this and would love to make it in a non-stretchy fabric I have. Any information about this?

    1. Hi Maureen, thanks for dropping by.

      I've not heard from Svitlana since this comment so no idea if she's tried the woven version.

      I think it's possible but it would be a complex pattern made from a good dress block. My fitted dress block is available on the website if you'd like to try a woven version. But unfortunately there's no dedicated blogpost for the woven idea.
