
07 May 2018

Pattern Puzzle - Transparent Tuck Dress

Pattern Puzzle - Transparent Tuck Dress

Congrats to Mioara and Gemma solving the Pattern Puzzle in just one comment!  I think I am going to have to up my game to give you all a bit more of a challenge.  This is just the kind of thing we do in the Draped Dresses workshop at Studio Faro.

Below is recent design development I have decided to use for the Pattern Puzzle this week.  The inspiration comes from Comme de Garcon frock I saw in the late nineties.  The image has always stayed with me.  I love their work.

I've updated the graphics and improved the instructions.  You'll find it all here on the website blog - Pattern Puzzle - Transparent Tuck Dress


  1. What a fun piece to execute!

  2. Hi Rhonda. There are so many great ideas and I wish I had the time to make and test them all. Maybe sometime in the future I will be able to test them and turn them into patterns to sell online. Future goals? Thanks for coming by and thanks for the share. Much appreciated. Anita
